Our mission is to be open to all guidance seekers and to provide individual guidance on education and careers. Our counselling is guided by the following principles: Neutrality, expertise, confidentiality, voluntariness, free of charge, easy accessibility and multilingualism.

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We advise on the following topics:

training and continuing education

academic studies

internship, compulsory internship

professional (re-) orientation, entering the profession and CV

individual location and competence analyzes

professional integration of refugees and immigrants

recognition of foreign educational qualifications

financial support, fundings and help with the application (BAföG, Aufstiegs-BAföG, Bildungsprämie, etc)

career prospects and access to employment (career path, professional development,application strategy etc.)

employment and qualification (job situation, corporate qualification and career development as well as flexibility)

catching up on a professional qualification

voluntary services (FSJ, FÖJ, Ehrenamt, etc)

language acquisition and improvement

learning, forms and strategies of learning

forwarding specific advice to specialist institutions and places

forms of advise:

For all those looking for advise we currently only offer advise via videocall, telephone, email or chat.

We also offer the following special forms of advise:

– multilingual advise in arabic, vietnamese, english, russian und spanish language

– mobile advise for refugees und immigrants:

– individual-, Groupconsultations and Workshops (currently only online), webinars

contact form

Educational Counselling and Career Guidance in Lichtenberg – Marzahn – Hellersdorf

Herzbergstraße 33/34
Haus 3 • Erdgeschoss
10365 Berlin

Phone: → 030 9599967-00
Email: → info@beratungsstation.de

click here → here to see the Location on google maps

opening hours:

Mondayfrom 09:00 a.m. to 05:00 p.m.
Tuesdayfrom 09:00 a.m. to 05:00 p.m.
Wednesdayfrom 09:00 a.m. to 05:00 p.m.
Thursdayfrom 09:00 a.m. to 05:00 p.m.
Fridayfrom 09:00 a.m. to 05:00 p.m.